Baller Page

Thank you for visiting this web site. We understand the importance that Internet users place on privacy, and this Privacy Policy describes how we use personal information that is collected at this web site. Please read this Privacy Policy before using this site or submitting any personal information. By using this web site, you accept the privacy practices contained in this Privacy Policy. These privacy practices may change from time to time, but any changes will be posted. You are encouraged to review the Privacy Policy whenever you visit the web site to make sure you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.

Your Personal Information

Baller Page protects your personal privacy and does not collect more information than necessary to process your order. We need to save and process personal information about you, such as your first and last name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address and transaction history. The purpose of such treatment is to be able to manage your transactions and questions related to them.

Baller Page applies the applicable privacy legislation at all times in all processing of personal data. The legal basis for processing your personal data is to be able to fulfil our agreement with you. Marketing, promotions and similar mailings take place with your consent.


Your information is stored as long as Baller Page has a legal basis to process it, for example to fulfil the agreement between us or to comply with a legal obligation under the law.

The personal information Baller page processes about you is shared with payment providers and shipping companies and we only share the information that is necessary for them to be able to fulfil their part of the agreement and for all parties to be protected from fraud. If you have chosen to subscribe to our newsletter, the first name, last name and e-mail address will be shared with our newsletter provider. This is to be able to keep you updated with information and offers for marketing purposes. We may also share your personal information with a third party, provided that we are required to do so by law.


You have the right to contact Baller Page if you want information about the information we have about you, to request correction, transfer or to request that we limit the processing, to make objections or request deletion of your information. The easiest way to do this is to contact us at If you have a complaint about our processing of your personal data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.


Contacting us

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Agreement, we encourage you to contact us using the details below:


This document was last updated on June 8, 2022